比如问他:Do you like your hometown? 他就会想到跟hometown 有关的各个方面,比如:交通transport, 空气质量air quality, 天气,weather, 然后在从这几个方面当中选取,他觉得自己比较擅长去翻译,于是很多情况下会什么都讲一点但是什么都不去justify, 那么很有可能他的回答就是这样的:yes, I like my hometown, the transportation in my hometown is very convenient, the air quality is good, the weather is nice.
再比如问他:How do you like your high school?
同理,学生可能也是先想到,环境好、老师好、学生好,甚至排名前,然后说出类似于:I like my high school, it has a good ranking in Shanghai, the students are friendly, the teachers are nice, the environment is good 这种千篇一律的答案。
那么上面这两个答案欠缺在哪里呢?我们知道雅思口语考试四项评分标准中,非常重要的一项是Fluency and coherence, 而其中coherence中,十分看重考生是否能justify himself or herself的能力。
一个好的答案,其实并不是你给出很多个观点,然后每个都不展开;相反,哪怕你只给出了一个点,但be able to justify it. 这就是一个好答案。
由此可见,一个好的part1 口语问答,应该是 key point 加上supporting ideas. Supporting ideas 由哪些方面组成呢?
第一:大家比较容易想到的是解释原因, 给一个reason 去justify yourself. 但有时候大家会发现,原因可能不是很好解释,比如do you like watching films? 大家可能觉得看电影就是很自然的一件事,想不到什么原因。
那么怎样才能做到不思考直接脱口而出答案?那就要求每个学生有自己比较习惯的,常用的key point, 这种point一般是带有高度总结性的,与我们日常生活紧密相连,今天小编就与大家分享几个笔者本人在考试或平常聊天中常用的key point.
Beautiful; picturesque; gorgeous; nicely-decorated; exquisitely -furnished; delicate
比如: do you like your school?
Yes, it's a beautiful campus, with a river flowing through the center, some gorgeous architectures and a well-furnished library.
常用词汇:useful; convenient; efficient; time-saving; user-friendly
比如:what is the most popular transportation tool in your hometown?
I guess it's the subway, it's considered the most convenient transportation tool, it's efficient, it never delays and it saves you a lot of time because you don't have to wait in the traffic jams.
常用词汇:interesting, brings me a lot of fun, inspiring, thought-provoking, challenging, exciting
Do you like spending time with teenagers?
Yes, it brings me a lot of fun, chatting with them is quite inspiring, their ideas are quite different from mine, very innovative, can always provokes my thoughts.